Albany High School

As the low competitive bidder for this project AOW was awarded the $2.6 million dollar renovations of Albany High School. With nearly 162,000 square feet being renovated over 2 summers AOW coordinated a very detailed plan with the school district to ensure on time completion for the opening of school. All of the metal panel ceilings and flooring were removed from every classroom in the 3 story building.

Due to limited space only ½ of the classrooms per floor could be emptied out and renovated at a time. Coordination was critical between AOW, the School District and the other Prime Contractors to complete areas on time and allow the District time to set the classrooms back up before the students and teachers arrived. Additionally the gym locker rooms, pool locker rooms and 12 bathrooms were completely gutted and renovated with ceramic floor tile, new ceilings, lockers and paint. Approximately 80 corridor, stairwell and gymnasium doors were removed and replaced with fire rated doors, magnetic hold opens and all new hardware.

Finally, a new roof system was placed on one of the bridges that connects the main building to the gymnasium building. This project was successful due to the careful planning and the meticulous nature of AOW.